Addition and Renovation: new Sanctuary to seat 365 people; new Multi-Purpose Room with Kitchen; new Narthex and Administrative Office
improvements; and Parking expansion
Additions & Renovations: three separate projects: new Multi-Purpose Room and Christian Education Center; Parking lot expansion; new Sanctuary to
seat 320 people; new Daycare Center; new Administrative Offices; and Classroom improvements.
Additions & Renovations: 2 separate projects: Sanctuary expansion; new Multi-Purpose Room (suitable for Worship and Athletic Activities); Christian
Education Center; and study of expansion options.
New 35,800 sq ft Church facility on 2/3 acre site: Sanctuary with Balcony; Fellowship Hall with full service Kitchen; Chapel; Media Center; Library;
Administrative Offices; Toddlers/Preschool/ Nursery; & Jr/Sr High Youth Lounge.
Master Plan Study for expansion of Historic Church including a new Multi-Purpose Church Life Center; additional Classrooms; additional Sanctuary
Seating; Handicap Accessibility & related Site Improvements.
Additions & Renovations: 8,570 sq ft; Priorities included Classroom and Administration office additions, relocation of the Nursery, new ancillary areas,
new storage spaces, and other site work associated with the Project.